You may have noticed that we’ve upped our social media game over the past few months. We want to engage more with you — our clients, other fundraisers and grant writers, and the whole nonprofit community. From weekly Twitter chats and blog posts to a growing email subscriber list, we have so enjoyed interacting with other professionals in the field. Thanks for joining in!
Now that our community is stronger, we are launching a new campaign: #SparkSmart!
Beginning Tuesday, November 10th at 8:30am EST, we will release a weekly #SparkSmart tip straight from the brain of Spark Point’s founder, Whitney Brimfield. With 18+ years of fundraising experience, Whitney’s tips will cover everything from donor stewardship to finding the perfect Development Director to crafting asks that engage and excite donors.
Attractive, reliable, and easy-to-read, our bite-sized #SparkSmart tips will show up on your newsfeed right when you need them, bringing motivation to your workday and offering advice that is backed by an established professional. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll down and click our social media icons to follow us on LinkedIn, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter. Let’s get #SparkSmart together!
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