What We Are Thankful For: A Fundraiser’s List

Fundraising can be a taxing profession (see our post on self-care here). Clients can be demanding and loud while funders can be silent and unreachable. @@Hardly a day goes by where everything functions smoothly, but there are still many bright spots in the life of a fundraiser!@@ So although Thanksgiving has come and gone, here is a list of things for which we are thankful.

  1. General operating support.
  2. All of the individuals who support nonprofits with their time, talent, and treasure.
  3. @@Active and engaged board members.@@
  4. A community that embraces philanthropy. (via @JoshHirsch1)
  5. Funders that have clear guidelines and up-to-date websites.
  6. Supportive fundraisers who encourage and inspire us.
  7. Funders that communicate with transparency and urgency.
  8. Giving donors the opportunity to support an organization that changes the quality of life for rare disease patients. (via @DJDiG)
  9. The opportunity to change an organization for the better. (via @ross_kinkade)
  10. @@The vibrant, varied, and vigorous network that is our sector.@@

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