One of the best ways for fundraisers to stay sharp is to read and learn from others in the field. Blogs are one of the fastest and most comprehensive ways to keep up to speed in the age of digital media. @@Whether casual or formal, blogs elicit a feeling of camaraderie that helps us feel connected to each other and share the highs and lows of our intense profession.@@ That said, here are some of the best blogs (we think) for fundraisers. In no particular order…
- Guidestar is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofits; their reports include everything from missions and impact to finances and programs. As a result, their blog is a great window into the world of nonprofit management, and posts that focus on fundraising alone appear almost once a week.
- Social Velocity is a consulting firm that helps nonprofits with complex issues such as financial models and board management; overall, their focus is on sustainability, which is especially important when it comes to fundraising. Although their posts cover topics that aren’t related to funding, their critical approach is one that lends a fresh perspective.
- The Foundation Center houses the most comprehensive database of foundation funders, and most fundraising professionals are probably familiar with the overwhelming results that can occur after a simple “Power Search.” However, what you might not know is that The Foundation Center has its own blog, PhilanTopic. This blog is ideal if you want to understand more about how the foundation world works and the strategy behind foundation giving.
- 101fundraising is a crowdblog with the tagline “for fundraisers, by fundraisers.” Their contributors are from around the world, and better yet, there is no subscription fee! Visit this blog if you’re looking for dynamic perspectives on fundraising strategies, questions, and issues.
- Fundraiser Grrl is a tumblr account, created by Rory Green, that has certainly gained some attention in the fundraising world. Although technically a blog, this resource has less text and more GIFs. Visit this page daily if you want some comic relief, but don’t forget to take advantage of Ms. Green’s webinars and weekly newsletters.
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Note: This blog was originally published on October 12, 2015. It has been updated, improved, and republished.