We’ve been busy here at Spark Point Fundraising! From conference presentations to numerous proposal wins, we are prepared to give you the support you need. Will you join us in 2017?
A Fresh Spark: New Clients!
We are thrilled to team up with So Others Might Eat on grant writing. For more than 40 years, SOME has provided shelter, health care, job training, and other services to DC’s homeless and very low income individuals and families. Learn more about their impact here.
We are so happy to support the NFID in their mission to educate the public and health care professionals about infectious diseases. Check out one of their fun PSAs!
Spark Funds: Grants Awarded!
Byte Back
• $25,000 from the CliftonLarsonAllen Foundation.
• $15,000 from the Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation.
• $50,000 from The Share Fund, a donor advised fund of The Community Foundation of the National Capital Region.
Church of the Epiphany
• $4,000 from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington Hunger Fund.
• $7,500 from the Workers of St. Albans Fund.
So Others Might Eat
• $15,000 for general operating support from E-Trade.
Spark Celebrates: Client Achievements!
Byte Back
• Wow! We’re so happy that Byte Back won the biggest award ($360,000) from WeWork’s Inaugural Creator Awards program on March 28th.
• On the same day, they hosted a volunteer orientation for Computer Literacy Training!
Church of the Epiphany
• They are celebrating their 175th anniversary! Check out their Twitter feed for some “Today in Epiphany History.”
• Like art installations? Stop by the StationsDC the one they are currently hosting.
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
• They are currently seeking corporate sponsors for their Annual Conference on Vaccine Research.
• Love galas and fundraisers as much as we do? Their hosting theirs in May!
So Others Might Eat
• Recently, they hosted a graduation ceremony for their Center of Employment students on March 10.
• Like celebrating local artists and restaurants while also giving back to the hungry? Check out Empty Bowls.
Global BrightLight Foundation
• On March 12, they announced their new partnership with Goodworld!
• If the above tidbit isn’t cool enough for you, GBLF also created a virtual reality film about solar energy that was shown at this year’s SXSW.
National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
• Talk about the personal is political! NFPRHA spearheaded a huge effort to call Secretary Tom Price’s office to urge him to continue protecting birth control coverage under the ACA. Good work!
Foto DC
• They partnered with Brightest Young Things to host a contest where participants could submit photos using #202fotos and #202Creates; the winners were featured at the WeDC House and SXSW! If you like what you see, check out winners from their other competitions here.
Spark in the City: Presentations!
• Whitney presented on how to write effective grant proposals at the Episcopal Diocese of Washington Leadership Learning Day on February 11th? She taught participants how to write effective grant proposals.
• On March 5th, Whitney presented “Crafting Grant Proposals: Best Practices & Strategies” at the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association National Conference.
We can’t wait to see what’s in store for the rest of the year. Stay in touch with Spark Point by filling out the information below!